Thursday 2 November 2017

Vocabulary: Gender inclusive lenguage, the best option to avoid sexism.

Hello students!
Today, we are going to learn something that probably you are not familiar with. What is really "gender inclusive lenguage"? How can it affect our society? Is it true that nowadays we use a sexist vocabulary?.
The answer of  last question is simple. YES GIRL. It´s true.What can we do to avoid that? Well, the best linguistic alternative is called "Gender inclusive lenguage" but... what is that?
Gender inclusive lenguage could be defined as  "writing and speaking about people in a manner that does not use gender-based words". This lenguage theory defends  that the masculine terminology don´t include the feminine term. The History had been written by men and according to that, there is no space of women. If this theory seems to you a little bit exagerated, I invite you to click on this website. Emma, a teacher who belongs to Engvid group (an amazing webpage where you can find lots of grammar and vocabulary lessons) will explain you how lenguage could included  both genders. At the end of the lesson, you will see activities to review what you have learned. Good luck!

Today I´ll leave you with a feminist quote of Maya Angelou. We can do it!!

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Grammar review: Comparatives and superlatives!

Time to review! It is neccesary to understand and review this grammar concept. We need to eliminate the superlatives of men and start comparing us objectively  and the best way to do it is doing this grammar exercise. Click on the link and remember, we can do it!

comparatives and superlatives.  

Grammar: Expect, Need and Would like.

Good afternoon students!

Today we are going to learn something  useful for our daily conversations. This grammar point has to do with  the use of the verbs Expect, Need, and would like. At first  it may seem easy , but it´s not exactly like that.  Let´s find out! 


Normally, the verbal structure is the same. However, it depends on  the subject . According to this difference, there are two types of grammatical structures: 
  1.  When the subject who expects / wants / needs is different from the subject who does the verb:

Society expects women to stay at home
Many people want women to have the same opportunites as men. 

As we can see, the subjects of the verbs Expect and Want (in this case "Society" and "many people")  are different from the subjects who does the other verb ("women"). 

     2.   When the subject who expects / wants / needs is the same as the subject who does the verb:


 I expect to see real equality in the next 20 years.
                                       Women want to have the same opportunities as men.

The subject of the two verbs are the same, so we use the word "to" after the second verb.


This exercise will help you to review the grammar lesson. Which type of grammar structure (structure 1 or structure 2)  follow the next sentences? 

1- Men need to stop ignoring gender inequalities ----
2- I would like to earn as much as my male colleagues----
3-  Gender equality needs men to get involved too--- 
4- I would like you to support low-income girls’ education in developing countries--- 

I will post the answers tomorrow, so you  can check the results. Good luck!
I´ll leave you with a famous feminist quote of the amazing Enma Watson, famous actress activist who fights for women´s rights. Have a nice day!

Monday 30 October 2017

Vocabulary: Expressions and key words.

Today, I bring you an interesting webpage. This website has expressions and key words to express   Women´s right in English. What is "sexual harassment"?   What is the meaning of "women empowerment"? Let´s find out!

Thursday 26 October 2017

What is Beauvoir´s Refugee?

Hello everyone!
 Before starting  this amazing period of learning, I would like to introduce me and the meaning of this blog just a little bit.
My name is Sara, I´m 20 years old and I live in Seville, Spain (a beautiful city, you have to visit it!). I study English Philology at the University of Seville.  I am messy , quite funny and above all... I am absolutely feminist. 
"FEMINIST?! FEMINAZIOH MY GOD, LET´S GET OUT OF THIS BLOG INMEDIATLY, ANOTHER SELF- CONSCIOUS WOMAN!!". Relax guys, you have a wrong impression of what feminism is.
And this is my purpose. I really want  to teach you what really feminism is,  what  this movement aims to and above all, I will teach you how to express these ideas  in the most international lenguage that have ever existed, English!. I am going to teach you grammar, vocabulary and listening lessons that will improve your level of English and will make you more aware of the reality that surround women. 
You will be wondering "Ok Sara that´s great but.. why Beauvoir?" Well, Simone de Beauvoir is one of the most important theoretical feminist.Thanks to her and her book "The Second Sex" I realized the way woman are treated in this society. This is a "refugee",  a safe place in which we can discuss and learn about this topic and improve ourselfs. 
Without further delay, ladies, ladies and gentlemen .. welcome to Beauvoir´s refugee!

Vocabulary: Gender inclusive lenguage, the best option to avoid sexism.

Hello students! Today, we are going to learn something that probably you are not familiar with. What is really "gender inclusive lengu...