Thursday 2 November 2017

Vocabulary: Gender inclusive lenguage, the best option to avoid sexism.

Hello students!
Today, we are going to learn something that probably you are not familiar with. What is really "gender inclusive lenguage"? How can it affect our society? Is it true that nowadays we use a sexist vocabulary?.
The answer of  last question is simple. YES GIRL. It´s true.What can we do to avoid that? Well, the best linguistic alternative is called "Gender inclusive lenguage" but... what is that?
Gender inclusive lenguage could be defined as  "writing and speaking about people in a manner that does not use gender-based words". This lenguage theory defends  that the masculine terminology don´t include the feminine term. The History had been written by men and according to that, there is no space of women. If this theory seems to you a little bit exagerated, I invite you to click on this website. Emma, a teacher who belongs to Engvid group (an amazing webpage where you can find lots of grammar and vocabulary lessons) will explain you how lenguage could included  both genders. At the end of the lesson, you will see activities to review what you have learned. Good luck!

Today I´ll leave you with a feminist quote of Maya Angelou. We can do it!!

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Vocabulary: Gender inclusive lenguage, the best option to avoid sexism.

Hello students! Today, we are going to learn something that probably you are not familiar with. What is really "gender inclusive lengu...